The Lost Command

The Lost Command - Vaughn Heppner This book, not surprisingly, continues the story, roughly, from where the pervious book ended. The book is pretty much the same simple but entertaining adventure story as the first book. I have to say right away that the book starts of in a fairly illogical manner. Not that the individual actions on the various pages are very illogical but the entire set up is, at least as far as I am concerned.

Why do I say this? Well, we are talking about the legendary star ship, the container of technology that could prevent the extinction of the human race, at least the part of it that still has a somewhat human thought pattern, and they just let the people that managed to acquire it wonder off more or less individually. I am not really a advocate of heavy handed government actions but several of these people where still on the government payroll and yet they where just allowed to wonder off.

Anyway, ignore those issues and you end up with a quite decent little adventure. Maddox is back and so is Meta. There are a bunch of other people that are back as well of course but those are my two favourites. Unfortunately Meta has a few bumps along the road but I hope that she is back in the fold so to say. I just hate that infiltration/conspiracy stuff but then, that is just me.

Maddox is a enjoyable as ever and as “macho” as ever. There is plenty of action, both on the ground as well as in space. I quite like the action. It is perhaps not as complex as some of the books that I have read but it is still quite good. Definitely above average.

One the whole this is an enjoyable, light, read, I read it quite quickly. Still I quite enjoyed it. It is not “just another” cheap novel. This one is definitely above average and, equally definitely, worth reading.