Running From Fate

Running From Fate - Saxon Andrew I used to read quite a few of Saxon Andrew’s books and quite liked them. Then they became rather repetitive and the youngish and naïve writing style started to feel a bit too simplistic for me so I stopped for a while. When I saw this one popping up on my Amazon recommendations, and after having read the book blurb, I decided that maybe I should give it a try. The blurb seemed to indicate that it might be sufficiently different from his other books to be interesting and I felt like going for a quick and easy read anyway.

It turned out to be a rather good decision. I quite liked this book. Yes it is the same youngish, simple and naïve writing style as Saxon Andrew always have used but in small dozes it is rather refreshing since it is always quite upbeat. The heroes are heroes in shining armor (or invisible force fields) and good have a tendency to prevail sooner or later. There are always some likable character or characters (human or otherwise) that feels rewarding to follow and the story is usually a bit of roller coaster style adventure.

This book have several of the ingredients that I like in books. First contact, a bit of superhuman abilities, there are things that go bump in…space, bad guys getting nasty surprises etc. Needless to say, the escape pod and its passenger are setting in motion a chain of events which have drastic consequences for Earth and its inhabitants.

One thing that have disappointed me previously with Saxon Andrew’s latest books are that some of them started off nicely but then quickly evolved (devolved?) into the same far out wild fantasies where stars, galaxies and even universes are destroyed at frightening speeds and it was difficult to see much difference between one book series and another. I guess we have to se if this one can avoid the same fate. I will pick up the next book and have a go at it at least.